Mastering Your Power Coach Training

For New & Existing Coaches

The art and science of coaching through the holistic lens of inclusion, belonging & equity.


Why MYP Coaching?

Coaching and developing employees is not a one-size-fits-all activity. Race, gender, class, education, culture and religion can all affect the needs of employees and now is the time to start addressing this in how we coach and mentor our talent. It is the golden thread that runs through our approach at MYP.

Ultimately our Coaching programs are targeted at supporting the individual, whatever their lived experience, to realise their full potential and, in turn, to enable them to develop and support the personal development of the people they go on to coach. This is an approach where all parties benefit.

“Celebrating differences, championing humankind”

Rooted in coaching philosophy, our award-winning Mastering Your Power programs are a powerful life changing experience

  • Understanding how to create psychological safety to promote open and honest dialogue

  • Learning techniques to manage vulnerabilities and build positive healthy resilience

  • Identifying the hidden dynamics at play and how to move from survive or thrive

  • Understanding what makes us unique and the factors that have shaped our ‘lived experience’

  • Identifying and acknowledging bias

  • Managing your own emotional responses

Supporting every step of the way…

The emotional well-being of our coaches is important to us whether they are on an active course or out in the field.

We provide the 5 pillars of learning as part of all the programmes we offer. However to ensure our coaches are fully supported, as they venture out to start their own coaching journey, we give all our coaches the chance to join the MYP Community forum. This is a safe space to ask questions, share experiences and gain ongoing support from each other and the MYP Team.

“I chose to become a coach because I am passionate about my own personal development and how I can give back, not just in the workplace but wider society too.”

Nazreen Visram

Head of Charities & Citizenship, Barclays


Looking for a taste of what we can offer?

Join one of our free Taster Sessions and experience how Mastering Your Power can unlock your coaching potential.

Our Coach Training Programs


Mastering Your Power Coach Training for New Coaches

ICF Certified

Mastering Your Power: Diploma in Coach Training

Approved for 95 hours

Coach Training Program developed for the British Transport Police




This course is for anyone looking to become a workplace coach and is passionate about empowering other to thrive.

+ The systemic coaching mindset and ethics     

+ Coaching the whole person with a belonging, inclusion and diversity lens

+ Holistic coaching conversations reflecting systemic differences

+ Presence in coaching

+ Mastering Your Power coaching model - R.I.S.E.N.

+ Coaching with different approaches including; neuroscience, cognitive based coaching, systemic coaching, drama triangle

  • Mastering Your Power Coach Training is available remotely.

  • The programme is a transformational coach training programme and open to all especially those working in or with organisations.

  • Our approach is inclusive and we have a chat with all applicants to ensure it is a good fit for both parties.


Mastering Your Power Coach Training for Existing Coaches


ICF Certified

Coaching in Diversity, Inclusion & Equity




This course is aimed at existing coaches, leaders, managers and facilitators who want to learn how to coach through a wider lens and support the growth of under represented groups in the workplace.

+ What’s different about coaching someone from an underrepresented group?

+ Emotional roots, belonging, inclusion and stories

+ Constellation mapping of work and family systems

+ Dynamics of systemic entanglements during coaching

  • This course is available as an in-house and open course - will be delivered online

  • This programme awards13 hours CPD. ICF CCEUs and a certificate in Inclusion, Belonging and Diversity in Coaching

Mastering Your Power Coaching Masterclass

Coaching Masterclass





+ Archetypes as a coaching model

+ Recognising your primary archetype

+ Shadow archetypes and difficult emotions

+ Coaching with archetypes for greater creativity

The Archetypes in coaching awards 12.5 hours CPD. ICF CCEUs and a certificate in Archetypes in Coaching

“Words can not express how grateful I am for all your support and encouragement to do the work I do and to participate in your programme. I have enjoyed every minute of the journey even through the tears and deep soul searching it has been so worth it.

Thank you for birthing this coaching offer it truly is transformational on so many levels. You are such an inspiration and light in these changing times.”

Judith Chen

Talent and Resourcing Business Partner, Oxfam

Looking to run Coaching and Mentoring programmes in-house?